Thursday, 18 November 2010


Shot 1: Establishing shot the girl running away.
Shot 2: Tilt shot. Creating enigma of the girl, gives the audience a mystery.
Shot 3: Close-up shot of her looking over her shoulder to see who's around her.
Shot 4: Long shot of her carrying on running through the town more.
Shot 5: Whip pan shot. I will have a quick shot of her left, right back and front on that are like quick flashes to give the impression that she's scared.
Shot 6: Long shot. Of her running towards a phone box thats in the background
Shot 7: Close-up of her as she walks into the phone box from within the phone-box.
Shot 8: Close-up of her hand picking up the phone and dialing the number.
Shot 9: Black screen - 'You have 48 hours to complete what I tell you to do - OR ELSE'.

In the first part of the film I will have a long shot of someone running away. I will then use enigma by filming her feet up to her head slowly, which will give suspense to the audience. Close up of her looking over her shoulder to see if people are watching her. Then a long shot of her running away through the town more. As she carries on running I will have a shot from each angel, her left side, right side, from down below looking up and circling her. Then I will have a long shot of her running towards a phone-box which you will see in the distance. I will have a close-up of her walking into the phone-box from the other side so that you can see her facial expressions. A close-up of the telephone and her hand dialing the number that she has got from a serviette. After the black screen there will be a close-up of her face as someone answers the phone so you can see her face.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Production Schedule

Storyboard for Main task

Main pitch

Main pitch
In the first part of the film I will have a long shot of someone running away. I will then use enigma by filming her feet up to her head slowly, which will give suspense to the audience. Close up of her looking over her shoulder to see if people are watching her. Then a long shot of her running away through the town more. As she carries on running I will have a shot from each angel, her left side, right side, from down below looking up and circling her. Then I will have a long shot of her running towards a phone-box which you will see in the distance. I will have a close-up of her walking into the phone-box from the other side so that you can see her facial expressions. A close-up of the telephone and her hand dialing the number that she has got from a serviette. After the black screen there will be a close-up of her face as someone answers the phone so you can see her face.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Ideas for main Task

Idea 1 :
My first idea is a girl running away from someone through a busy town, hiding in various places etc. She would go to a phone box and call a number on the back of a serviette, when the person answers they say 'You have 2 minutes until your termination'. Then it would black out.. and say '48 Hours earlier...'.

Idea 2 :
My second idea would be a comedy opening. It would start with a someone walking through the school corridor and then everyone looking at them as they walk to there class. Then people would throw the person in a bin. and it would black out and say 'This is my typical day at high-school'.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Prelim Task

For this we had to produce a scene in which someone walks through a door and sits down. I had to include Shot reverse shot, match on action, 180 degree rule.

Storyboard, script and shot list for Prelim Task

This is the storyboard for my preliminary task. 

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Title sequence Remake Evaluation

What have I learnt from the filming process?

From filming I have managed to work and organise a film crew and direct a cast. I also organised costumes for our main actor, which was just a jacket and shirt, also I had to get props such as a bag which we updated instead of a paint of tin. I had to study the footage of the original title sequence and work out all the different camera angles that we needed to re-enact. I had to make sure I knew exactly what I was doing. By making a storyboard it made it a lot easier to remember the different angles and how long the shot needed to be for, so that was a very important factor. I also learned that it took a lot longer than I originally thought it would, We had to shoot over a few days to get all the footage that we needed, therefore us planning it out really helped to make it quicker. For my piece to be successful I had to get a good actor to carry a convincing role and act professional which I did. I had to be very reliant & patience with the people I was working with because for us to get good footage we had to work together. To get the same look as the original title seqence we had to go to a town that was busy for it to look real therefore our actor was acting infront of lots of different people which you need to have confidence to do. I also had to take into consideration the weather conditions, we filmed on a clear day so that it would match the real version.

What I have learnt from the editing process?
Firstly I had to set up a project. I learnt how to import and export all of my footage. I also learnt how to cut the footage in however way I wanted. Where we filmed was noisy because it was a local highstreet therefore I had to learn how to unlink the sounds from my footage so that you couldn't hear it. I had to learn how to scale and resize clips and I done this by going 'Window - Effects control - motion control' and this allowed me to do this. I had to adjust the framing and this made me realise the importance of good cameras work because it had to be very accurate. In my title sequence there was talking which meant I had to master the importance of lip syncing so that it would match up. Whilst editing I had to make sure that the whole sequence was at a steady pace, this meant either slowing some bits down or fastening it up,I done this by 'right click speed/duration'.Some of the footage was filmed on the wrong side therefore I flipped it so that it matched. I had to add titles and credits into the film and this was quite hard because I had to find a font that matched the original font.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Film analysis - The incredibles & Iron man

The Incredibles-
Family look shocked - you can tell theres danger about
Whip pan - Its very fast on some clips
Passing shot
Enigma - When family put the masks on
The writing is very bold so you see it straight away.
The credits are set out like your looking at a book.

Iron man -
Non diegetic sound - music
Eyeline match
Reaction Shot
Mise-en-scene :
Location - Conference room
Properties - Piece of paper
Credits have a background of parts of Iron man and large font.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Casino Royale Analysis

The first impression is that its an action film because of the guns involved. The opening scene is in black and white, this gives us the impression that it is going back into the past. The first scene is of Daniel Craig and it is a wide shot as you can see all of his surroundings and it is also a point of view shot because your seeing it from the villains point. You then have a close up on the villain as he shoots the gun and then it goes back to Daniel Craig and he shoots back at him. When he shoots back the camera is positioned as if it were inside the tunnel of the gun, and it then zooms out giving us the elusion that were going dizzy and moving away from him. The sound firstly is a piercing high pitched sound thats getting louder which then turns into the shot gun and then after the gun shot a soundtrack is played throughout the castings. In the first scene they use editing of the two different people. They use the blood to replace the image to another scene. The location is in a toilet firstly, it then goes to a cartoon where they show lots of different card suits and guns and James Bond in a cartoon way, this gives us the impression that the film has the game poker based it in. When it first turns into animation the camera is zooming in on the card suits. The camera then uses a track and goes across horizontally. When he picks a spade it zooms in and he uses it as a bullet and puts it into the gun which is connecting the two together. It then goes back to a track angle and slides horizontally whilst also zooming in on James Bond. It goes on to two men fighting which is a two-shot, they make the background green and one of the men in black and the other in red so that they stand out from the background. Instead of going horizontally the next clip goes down as if you were scrolling down a page. The next frame is very still and just shows what's going on in the scene but the camera doesn't move. The camera then uses a Dolly shot to show the different people who have been killed. The camera is zoomed into a 7 of hearts and then a target appears and shoots two holes before the 7 to show his double 0 status. The last shot shows the camera zooming in but James Bond also coming closer to the camera, his face then becomes real instead of illustration whilst the rest of the shot is still in illustration. The last shot they black his face out and then zoom in to a cutaway and the film the begins. The font used in the titles and castings is very simple and always in white. There is non-diegetic sound because the music is not part of the scene, its been put in afterwards. There is no dialogue during this sequence.

Screen Shots

This is where they position the 
camera as if we were inside the
gun. As you can see it is also 
in black and white.
This is where they use the blood
to go into the credits so they are
using a cross-dissolve.

This is where it turns into an
illustration and they use the
card suits.

The camera zooms in on the spade
he picks it. 

They use these bold colours so
that the audience are paying 
attention to the fighting.

The camera zooms in on the card
and a target appears. 

It then shoots is showing us
his double 0 status.

James bond slowly walks towards
the camera, and Engima is used 
because there is a sense of
mystery to who is walking towards
us and then we see his face appear
in the light. 

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Opening sequence for London city

For this task we used Adobe Premiere Pro CS3. We learned how to cut clips short, to resize them and how to add titles in. We also learnt how to add different transitions to fade the clips and also the titles. We took clips of london and then put them all together to create a mini opening sequence. I decided to make mine quite suspicious and make people want more. We put a music track into the video clips to make it better.